their slogan is Do something funny for money
Comic relief is a British charity that was founded in the UK in 1985 by a comedy script writer called Richard Curtis and Alexander Mendis because of the famine in Ethiopia. The main part of Comic relief is Red nose day which is a telethon held in march. Comic relief is one of the two high profile telethon events held in Britian, the other one being Children in need annually held in November.
Comic relief was launched live on Noel Edmund's late, lat ebreakfast show on BBC 1, on christmas day 1985 from a refugee camp in Sudan. The BBC is responsible for the live television campaign. Sainsburys sells merchandise on behalf of the charity. I think Comic relief is aimed at everypone, i think that they do different things for different aged people and different genders that they will like. To get children to take part in Comic relief they sell red noses and stickers so you can decorate your nose and name it and they sell lots of merchandise. To get adults to take part they put on popular tv shows on the telethon especially for red nose day and they get popular bands to sing on there. Also they get school to participate by doing a school challenge like last year our school did a a sponsered mile run.
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